Neck injuries are split into 4 categories: minor, moderate, severe and the most severe. This depends on the damage sustained and how long it takes to heal. Griffin Solicitors will help you to determine which category your injury falls under. Please contact us.
The expected compensation for pain and suffering pursuant to the Personal Injuries Guidelines of April 2021 is as follows:
- Minor neck injury – between €500 and €12,000. A neck injury falls within this category where it takes 6 months to 2 years to recover. 6 months being the lower end of the bracket ad 2 years being the higher end.
- Moderate neck injury – between €12,000 and €23,000. A neck injury falls within this bracket where there is diagnosed moderate soft tissue injuries and where substantial recovery is made within 5 years. This bracket also includes injuries where there are minimal permanent symptoms.
- Severe neck injury – between €35,000 and €100,000. Severe neck injuries usually involve fractures, dislocations, severe damage to soft tissue, ruptured tendons, disc lesion or a requirement for further surgery.
- Most severe neck injuries – between €100,000 and €300,000. This bracket involves permanent damage and substantial loss of movement in the neck. The upper end of this bracket involves injuries associated with incomplete paraplegia.
In addition to the compensation for pain and suffering, you will be entitled to claim for any loss of earnings suffered as a result of not being able to come back to work and costs of any treatments such as hospital/GP visits, prescriptions and physiotherapy.